February 12, 2025

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Greg Ibe, GUU VC, get fellowship award

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Greg Ibe, GUU VC, get fellowship award
By Steve Oko

The Institute for Humanitarian Studies and Social Development (IHSD), Gregory University Uturu, GUU, has bestowed the prestigious title of Distinguished Fellows on the Founder and Proprietor of the University, Prof. Gregory Ibe, and the University’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Augustine Uwakwe, respectively.
Professor Greg Ibe, one of the governoship hopefuls from Isuikwuato
This, according to the institute, is in recognition of their legendary impacts and humanitarian services.
Presiding over the event, Dr. Francis Origa, the Registrar of the institute, stated that although the awards ceremony itself took place in Abuja, the nation’s capital, the institute deemed it essential to formally recognize and confer these distinguished fellowships.
He highlighted that these awards were a reflection of the exceptional leadership qualities, unwavering character, and outstanding contributions that both Prof. Gregory Ibe and Prof. Augustine Uwakwe have made to society.
He acknowledged the numerous philanthropic activities and social development initiatives undertaken by Prof. Gregory Ibe, particularly his utilization of education and the academic environment as instruments for driving and promoting development.
“Prof. Ibe’s tireless efforts have cast the southeastern region in a favourable and positive light”, He said.
Dr. Origa also extolled the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Augustine Uwakwe, for his embodiment of values such as simplicity and humility, characteristics deeply associated with humanitarians. He highlighted the Vice-Chancellor’s unwavering support and significant contributions to the university’s growth, expansion, and success, which have made him a beacon of credible leadership.
The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Augustine Uwakwe, had the distinct honour of accepting the Distinguished Fellowship award on behalf of Prof. Gregory Ibe, further acknowledging his own significant contributions. During his acceptance speech, he expressed profound gratitude and overwhelming appreciation to IHSD for recognizing the university’s unwavering commitment to human development and corporate social responsibility.
He specifically highlighted the numerous scholarships and educational opportunities made available through the founder’s generosity. Similarly, he expressed the university’s readiness and willingness to partner with the institute in promoting impact and social development.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, administration, Prof. Evaristus Anyaehie, representing the university’s administration, extended a heartfelt vote of thanks to IHSD for its support and recognition of the university’s continuous efforts to society. He underscored the shared dedication to making a lasting impact in human development, a principle deeply ingrained in the values of both the Founder and the Vice-chancellor
The event was also graced by the distinguished presence of various principal officers of the University.
Steve Oko, Publisher/C.E.O, WaWa News Global. For more information on advert placement and news coverage, contact us on: 08038725600, or via email stevemanofgod2000@yahoo.com; wawanewsglobal@gmail.com Always read WaWa News Global - Your most dependable online news platform for the latest breaking news in Nigeria.
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